The Maastricht Sailing Association Lagakari was born in 1987, after a lot of hard work. In May 1986, a team of six enthousiasic sailers participated in the GNSK (Groot Nederlands Championship) in Utrecht. During the championship, the attention was payed to the fact that there was no student sailing association in Maastricht. But what isn’t there, can be formed! The students were enthousiastic and took the initiative to form a student sailing association in Maastricht. They started brainstorming!
The promotion could start. During the INKOM 1986, the activity of choice sailing was organized. The information market was the place to tell everyone about the plans of forming the sailing association. Of cource, the possibility to subscribe was already there.
After a sailing weekend in Friesland, the last days of September were used to collect some energy. Therefore, there was a silence around the association, but ideas kept growing. In December 1986, a information evening was organized. This evening was meant to divide the work within our association. Fifteen people subscribed to a total of six committees.
In June 1987 a General Aspirant-member meeting took place. The statutes were approved. This meant that the first board could be chosen. On the 19th of November 1987, the statutes were ratified. Therefore, the first official General Assembly could take place at the end of December.